Watch the webinar Cooling Down Webinar on “Renewable Cooling to Answer Climate and Energy Challenges”!
As global demand for cooling solutions continues to rise, the need for sustainable and renewable cooling technologies has never been more critical. This online event is particularly timely, given the current focus on clean, efficient cooling solutions that bridge European and local perspectives to answer climate challenges at COP29 and energy challenges in Europe: electricity grid infrastructure, cooling grid infrastructures, data centres, and urban heat island effect.
The Cooling Down Webinar, “Renewable Cooling to Answer Climate and Energy Challenges,” was an outstanding success, with more than 100 attendees registered! The webinar featured a dynamic lineup of speakers who shared innovative recommendations, cutting-edge industry insights, and strategies aimed at fostering sustainable growth in the cooling sector.
Did you miss the Webinar? Catch Up Anytime
If you were unable to join the event, don’t worry—you can still benefit from the wealth of information shared. Watch the full webinar here:
Presentations Available!
10:00 am CET – Introduction by Dr. Isabella Nardini, Fraunhofer IEG
Speaker: Saverio Papa, Solar Heat Europe
Speaker: Virginie Schmidle-Bloch, French geothermal association of professionals – AFPG
Speaker: Uli Jakob, Dr. Jakob Energy Research GmbH & Co. KG
- Panel Discussion & Q&A
This event underscored the importance of collaboration and innovation in shaping the future of renewable cooling. Stay tuned for more initiatives aimed at addressing climate and energy challenges head-on.
COOLING DOWN seeks to propose a vision for a renewable cooling sector in Europe in the coming decades, and issue policy recommendations and proposals to achieve it. Beyond the technological, economic, and social trends to be assessed through research, expert consultations and modelling, the COOLING DOWN project will also be seeking to address the contribution of renewable cooling technologies to climate change adaptation with a specific focus on the mitigation of the urban heat island effect. The COOLING DOWN project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement 101077140 — LIFE21-CET-COOLING-COOLING DOWN. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.