Enjoy #GEOENVI #ThisWeeksGoodNews
Europe is the first continent that has decided to go carbon-neutral by 2050. Developing all renewable energy sources is an essential path to reach this objective.
As a clean, reliable, and versatile energy source, geothermal energy can greatly contribute to decarbonising the European economy. However, citizens’ perception of geothermal energy in many countries is not always positive. While geothermal energy market is still expanding, many people do not know about its real pros and cons yet.
The GEOENVI project has run therefore run a media campaign from September 2020 until April 2021 to outline all the different benefits geothermal energy offers in the target countries of the project: Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Iceland and Turkey.
We know it is usually bad news which make the headlines. But there are plenty of good news that deserve to be shared and known.
Follow our #GEOENVI #ThisWeeksGoodNews to hear about how geothermal energy and its technological breakthroughs are contributing to a cleaner environment and a better society.
We shared our good news through social media posts, press releases, fact sheets and a video. Do not miss out on your weekly dose of good news!
Ps. The GEOENVI project also provided several scientific reports on the risks and impacts of geothermal energy – which are very similar to other renewables, such as wind and photovoltaic. The project has also created a Life Cycle Assessment tool for project developers and public authorities to easily evaluate the environmental impact of their geothermal project.
You can find all the #GEOENVI #ThisWeeksGoodNews here